Got Some I.D.?

I don’t know if I’ll ever be known or considered great, but here’s the truth:




















God knows me and He thinks I’m pretty great.

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?  And yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Don’t be afraid.  You are worth more than many sparrows.  ~ Luke 12:6-7

He is my best form of identification – He declares my identity and legitimacy when the world is screaming about my lack.

May you be blessed in your spirit and enlarged with your true legitimacy as a child of God, a form of I.D. that nothing can ever take from you.  Imprinted with the mark of the Living God, payment covered by the Son’s life, and filled with the Spirit who renews you without ceasing.

Lean upon Him.  Lean like one without crutches whose legs need healing.  Lean and build upon the stones of total acceptance.  Rest upon His words, how He took great care knitting you together.  Even before your mother’s eyes focused upon you, He saw you and chose the beautiful attributes of all that makes you unique.  Feel the love of the Father whose heart swells with love every time He thinks of you.

He thinks you’re pretty great.

(c) Robin Lawrimore, March 2012

8 thoughts on “Got Some I.D.?

  1. nacoleat6inthesticks


    thank you so much for visiting my place, and for your words there. i’m glad you did so that i could find you! i am probably supposed to be commenting on the piece you submitted to L.L.’s, but i found this first, and just wanted to say i love it. i needed to read this today–in the midst of some confusion–blogging confusion, my writing life, raising my girls, trying to homeschool–just life–but “just life” can be extremely hectic and confusing–God knows this–and He uses all of it to draw us into Him. thank you for this.


    • Robin Lawrimore

      You are so welcome! I enjoyed your place and your words. I also homeschooled two daughters and it was awful/wonderful and they are amazing today. May God bless you and make you fruitful in every good work.


  2. Vivecia Coomer

    I remember hearing about a tribe in Africa whose children grew up so confident, it was because they had it drilled into them whose children they were ( a certain chief) . Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all God’s children could be so confident, knowing who they belong to!!!


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