When What You Carry Is Too Heavy


When my friend Tracy Erwin and I left London, we boarded trains at Wimbledon where the platforms were up long flights of stairs.  We were struggling with our luggage.  There were men who came along, noticed the struggle, and helped without a word – carrying our heaviest pieces to the top and then with a nod walked away to board their train.

They didn’t insist on seeing us to the airport or helping us find a seat.  They just met a need and went on their way.  They didn’t get codependent or worry if we’d make it.  They simply gave help and left us to own the next part of the journey.

When we try to carry others burdens too far, it weighs us down.  Their luggage is not our responsibility, their life not ours to own.  It belongs to them.  We can come alongside temporarily with aid and then hand back what belongs to someone else.

When we carry someone’s burden or vision longer than we should, we get out of balance in our own life, and their “stuff” and ours becomes too heavy.  Our walk is off and we stumble, knowing it’s time to release what belongs to someone else. I would not have wanted the kind men in London to see me all the way home — I wanted to have that adventure on my own and needed to experience it.

It’s a wonderful way to live in community – to help others when their burdens are overwhelming, and then release them to carry their daily responsibility for themselves.  Pray, help, release makes the walking easier for all.


Carry each others (overwhelming) burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ…. for each one should carry their own load (daily responsibility).  Galatians 6:2-5

Thankful for courage to let go… for kindness of strangers… for the owning of my life… for the ability to help as God leads… and for words that encourage others who are walking out their own journey in this temporary place.

Lighter than before,


(c) Robin Lawrimore, July 2012

12 thoughts on “When What You Carry Is Too Heavy

  1. Darla Rennick

    Wow – Robin! This landed. Thank you!
    I sometimes hesitate to help others (when I feel that prompting from the Spirit) because I feel that if I do _____ then I will have to ____ and ____ and ____. Before even stepping out I’m trying to figure out how to house them and get them healed and free…. (Can you say ‘overdeveloped sense of responsibility’). I get overwhelmed and don’t do anything out of fear. Recently the Lord has been speaking to me about this and reminding me that He is only asking/inviting me to _____ not all the additions I add in my imagination.
    This post is a confirmation of His recent words. Thanks a lot for writing about what He’s showing you too!


  2. tracy

    Very good reminder and I like the analogy! Also its good that we were willing to let them carry it! Sometimes when I am burdened I forget its okay to let someone help me.


  3. Vivecia Coomer

    Robin, this is just excellent. Would you please e-mail it to me personally? I got it from facebook & if it was e-mailed, it got erased. My computer is a mess right now. I would also like to make afew copies ( I don’t know how to share) for some friends in leadership positions. I think it would be such a blessing, if this is ok??


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