Giving Thanks Changes Me

The act of giving thanks, no matter what the circumstances of my life, brings change. Giving thanks when life is hard requires courage and sacrifice. While it may or may not change the events that surround me, it changes me. Giving thanks invites God into our circumstance and can lift us up over the difficult as we come to focus on Him. And isn’t He the reason for the ability to do anything at all? The reason we are here? The reason we can feel, move, and be – in Him. When we choose thanks, our focus turns to Him, remembering how He has provided in the past, the miracles in our lives, and the love we feel and long to feel more of.

On this day, make your life one of giving thanks, of counting gifts, or rehearsing truth is ours – to live, to influence, and to share the love, peace, and joy that overflows from the practice of giving thanks. May it become a lifestyle. May you come to know the simple solution of giving thanks as the story of your life keeps turning page after page.

Thank you hands

To the reader of my weekly words, I am deeply grateful for you, those to whom I am connected with the world over. May we together, on this American Thanksgiving Day, stop to give thanks to God – for life, provision, love, and peace. May our joined thanks in unity bring more unity and peace to the world. Our words are powerful, and our words of unity are world-changing!

I am deeply thankful for all of you who I’ve met speaking and coaching this year, some by email, phone, and many in person. I am thankful to have met you, friend!

Thank you, friend of mine, wherever you are. Live a good story with your one life and may it be a life that spreads reasons for giving thanks!

Much love,grateful, gratitude, thanks


From the desk by the window on a sunny day where I live most grateful! “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”

(c) Robin L. Lewis, Sozo Life & Leadership, LLC, November 26, 2015

2 thoughts on “Giving Thanks Changes Me

  1. Bonnie Osterhout

    Today, I pray Lord God my Savior that I will give thanks in all things. I ask you to help me with my attitude to be positive. I know Lord you had me read the article in the paper on forgiveness to connect with Robin and her ministry online. Thank you Lord for all your miracles and healing in my life. I want to focus on you Lord and praise you in all circumstances. Thank you Robin your words are so encouraging and I know that God has given you this gift.


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