The Best Weekened Ever

We are all broken.  Every one.  Why we try so hard to hide that brokenness is just part of being human.  But it’s a stiffening of the spine, a refusal to lean hard against the God who gave all.

I saw again today the phrase I’ve seen so many times about Veterans….

All gave some, some gave all.

Jesus gave all because the Father asked Him to do so…and that giving of His all reconciles us to the One who created us, who knit us together in our mother’s womb, who has kept us through everything we’ve experienced in life.

The word psuche` always does me in.  It’s Greek for the soul life…the mind, will, and emotions.  Every time in scripture that it says that Jesus laid down His life, the word for life is psuche`, meaning that He refused to listen to His own mind, His own will, and His own emotions to obey what the Father had asked Him to do….so that you and I could know Him.

And to know Him is the reason for our existence.

Jesus gave all.  He is the only unbroken One, the only One who invites us to sit at a table and let Him care for us, wash our dirty and tired feet, and rest against His chest.

peaceAnd no matter what you are experiencing right this minute, He understands.  And He is leading because He is a good Shepherd.

Once in Scotland, I was walking down a hill and realized that on the road below me was a real life shepherd, staff in hand, clucking a call to the sheep who were following him.  Most of them followed without reservation as they knew his voice and knew they were protected and provided for in his care.  The strays were rounded up as the sheep dog “encouraged” them to follow instead of remaining behind.  They were led to new pasture.  Green, full of life.  Lush, moist, and fresh.shepherd

If we choose to follow Jesus, that is what is provided.  “The Lord is my Shepherd” is not automatic.  It can be ours if we choose to follow, if we too lay down our life, our psuche`, and denying that strong self-life, find the love of our life in His care.

All of life is hinged on this Door.  If you want to go through it, if you feel His hand reaching out for yours, it may feel hard, it may feel fearful and uncertain, but I can tell you that it is the most trustworthy life in existence.  And it’s not about being strong, it’s about needing Him to fix our brokenness and throwing the whole weight of our self upon His love.

And it is really is unconditional.  It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, what you think, what you say.  You are wonderful, accepted, loved.  No matter what.  If you’re not sure if it fits, just walk barefoot a bit with Him.

And this weekend?  This Resurrection weekend?  It’s the best ever.  The best time to stop and think about what has happened because you are so. incredibly. loved.

(c) Robin Lawrimore, March 29th, 2013 – Happy Resurrection Day (new life, right?)

Linking up with Five Minute Friday, Lisa Jo Baker here.

8 thoughts on “The Best Weekened Ever

  1. Ruth Povey

    ‘But it’s a stiffening of the spine, a refusal to lean hard against the God who gave all.’ I loved this depiction of brokenness. A thought-provoking post – love how you write!


  2. wendy

    What an awesome season of grace we are in! Thank you for the insight around the word psuche. That is the truth. The real sin is the stiffening of the spine. As ive journeyed this Holy Week, i faced the amount of times in my life, when i was just like Judas – the amount of times I was angry and disappointed with God because he didn’t act as i wanted him to ,or according to my theology and expectations. I realised I have a ‘foolish heart’. But as i read the scriptures this week, what really stood out for me, was Christ’s attitude thro all these betrayals and denials going on around Him – steadfast commitment to God’s plan and NO judging, just unconditional love. So i leave my “foolish heart’with Him and say as Paul said: He has set things right between me and Him (The Message). Happy Easter x


    • Robin Lawrimore

      Wendy, that really blesses my spirit. I have had my battles this week…mostly of not being thankful enough. Not because Jesus didn’t do enough, but because I spent too much time in the wrong frame of mind about a situation. As soon as I am thankful for all that is possible through Him, it softens that foolish heart to a much needed place of humility again. It’s so hard to carry when “it’s all about me,” don’t you think? Resurrection love to you. ~R


  3. Ronda

    One of the sweetest gift the Father ever gave me was letting me discover your blog! Have a wonderfully blessed Easter Robin. This has been a weekend of some very big decision making, and my husband and I are falling hard against Jesus as we do so. So very thankful that we can and that HE is more than able to lead us all the way. Great posting. Thank you.


    • Robin Lawrimore

      Ronda, you already know this, but you are in the best place of adventure you can be – to HAVE to learn hard. Intimacy comes from that position. I will pray for your process, that you may be allowed to see the good, and if you don’t, that you can be thankful knowing He knows what is ahead and is a faithful Shepherd whose voice you know so well. Blessings of receiving in all your life all the birthright God designed and planned for you – especially in this year of moving forward. ~R


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