Your Sozo Story {just the life you were created to live}

There is a story written for you by your Heavenly Father.  It is a story of fullness, grace, adventure, love, community.  It is a story of blessing and abundance. It is a story that is bigger than you, and is only possible through the Holy Spirit living in you.

Where you are now, does your life feel full or empty?  Are you living out the dreams of your heart, or have you forgotten them?   Do you know your incredible value, or have you gotten lost along the way?

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Sozo (Hebrew) most often translated as salvation or saved is so much more!  Sozo is abundant life, complete wholeness.  Sozo is to save, heal, restore, make whole, transform according to original design so that individuals and leaders live the fullest life using all their potential and receiving all the blessings given by God through Jesus to mankind.

To live ‘sozo’ is to live the full life.  Jesus came that we might live life to the fullest, learning to walk out our earthly journey as a person of love and influence.  We are designed to live in a way that grows and challenges us, while blessing, healing, and restoring those around us.  Sozo is about you.  Sozo is for you.

Sozo Life & Leadership’s primary focus is to teach and develop the true identity and value of women as God’s daughters, so they grow in confidence as they come to understand their God-given role alongside their husbands and brothers. In no way second class citizens, women are needed now for what they alone can bring as God’s image bearers to carry out their life purpose, their own mission, and fill their role in a Blessed Alliance with men.  Godly women do not have to compete with men.  They are designed and created to compliment their husbands and brothers.  {Men and women together display the full image of God.}

Contrary to traditional teaching, the women of the Bible were outstanding examples of strength even though their actions were sometimes contrary to ancient accepted culture.  They were daring, they took initiative, they were courageous leaders whose contributions have many times been downplayed or ignored.  Jesus accepted them as disciples and turned the culture of His day on its ear as he taught that a woman’s identity and purpose is anchored and secure in her relationship with Him above any worldly definition.

Sozo Life & Leadership seeks to come alongside women in churches, businesses, and civic groups to establish God’s order from the ground up through coaching, teaching, and prayer that develops and expands leadership potential to bring to reality the vision God has placed in the hearts of women.

When women understand their value, significance, and true identity, their husbands, families, churches, and communities are blessed!

So much love and grace,


From the desk by the window where the sun is waiting for the clouds to part!

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Shoot me an email if you’re wanting to live a better story with your life!

I’m available for spiritual life coaching, speaking at your event, and retreats for women.

(c) Robin L. Lewis, Sozo Life & Leadership, LLC, November 10, 2-15

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