Anything Can Happen

So many times we run smack dab into an opportunity and don’t see it because it doesn’t look like what we expected.  God’s ways certainly do not fit neatly inside my box and He is always thinking and working on a larger scale than I am.  {I am learning to think bigger.}

This week I finish my first semester of a Life Coaching Certification course that will add to my list of skills and add to the tools in my toolbox.  Do I want to be a life coach?  No, but I can use what I am learning here combined with what I have learned about ministry and healing to coach and bring restoration and direction to churches and church leaders. Believing God, I step forward, sometimes running or dancing, to follow Him through twists and turns, always getting to know Him better.

{Anything can happen if you let it.}

(c) Robin Lawrimore, June 2012

8 thoughts on “Anything Can Happen

  1. tara pohlkotte

    love this saying! so many times i have to just get out of the way and am amazed just as quickly as i finally let go, things come in crazy and many times so much better ways then i could imagine.


    • Robin Lawrimore

      Thanks, Tara! I think it’s part of our human condition. But God… I am always encouraged to remember that people like Moses waited 40 years before things came together, and no one else in the Old Testament had the kind of relationship with God that he had. Blessings on your journey!


  2. Danelle

    I pray that I, too, can see when God is showing me something and it looks different than I expected. . that I don’t just close my eyes and pass by unknowingly. I pray every morning that He will help me see people and circumstances the way that He does.


    • Robin Lawrimore

      Perspective really is everything, isn’t it? And to gain His perspective is so freeing… and leads to living a good story. Oh to see Him more and more in my prayer as well. Thank you for adding richness to this post, Danelle.


  3. Anthony Baker

    You never know, do you? Just last night, I was thinking about quitting blogging. Then, tired and depressed, I decided to go to my computer and write something. Anything. Then I read your comment. God used you, believe me.


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