Ancient Passovers

When driving home from Charleston on Friday evening crossing a bridge, what I saw nearly took my breath. There it was – the Passover moon hanging over the harbor like a pearl.  In a moment’s realization, I was connected to the first Passover.  Under that same moon on that same Hebrew day, Moses and his people took lamb’s blood, marked their homes and in doing so marked themselves and God covered them, “passing over the door and not allowing the destroyer to come into their house.”  They began their journey with stomachs full of lamb and hearts full of uncertainty leaving darkness in a way that would tell the world of God.  Under that same moon they traveled redeemed.

As if watching God draw a time line, I saw the Passover of Jesus, checking clock and visualizing the evening of a shared meal, a table demonstrating body and blood, the foot washing, the words, then a walk under that same moon through a Garden.  Under the cover of darkness, under the covering of another Lamb, the moon shone brightly declaring a new year and prophetic voices fulfilled.  The blood of this Lamb causing curtain to rip through in God’s hands, inviting all to enter, and completing in a single act the recovery of all made in His image – a bridge across a divide previously impossible.

Driving with heart full of awe and wonder, feeling my God above and around me under this same Passover moon, I felt incredibly small yet incredibly thankful – moon on water plays and laughs and dances!  The joy of Passover anointing me and filling me until I want to shout!  For this is my Passover, too!

God was “being that which we cannot be and doing that which we cannot do,” giving the only One once, and it is still so very alive as to knock me over like a strong wave in the sea.  Glory to you, Lord Christ!

And when the sun rose on the third day…

This morning I found myself once again at St. John’s Church in my town where they honor Him and His table.  We took flowers for the cross now a celebration piece for everyone to pass as they enter by the oak doors open.

We sing the hymn of Resurrection with these words 1,400 years old…

The day of resurrection!
Earth, tell it out abroad;
the Passover of gladness,
the Passover of God.
From death to life eternal,
from earth unto the sky,
our Christ hath brought us over,
with hymns of victory.


Now let the heavens be joyful!
Let earth her song begin!
The round world keep high triumph,
and all that is therein!
Let all things seen and unseen
their notes in gladness blend,
for Christ the Lord hath risen,
our joy that hath no end.

And we listen to trumpet, trombone, and violin add to the strains of those pipes, all blending and the ancients sing with us, those who make up that great cloud of witnesses, “all things seen and unseen, their notes in gladness blend” all because of this Christ.  And we are all connected through centuries to an ancient truth – that of Christ sent from the Father and all times of communion celebrated in every place on this round world that shout “All come!  All come, to the table of the Lord!  Let none be left outside, but let there be a parade of feet of those who have leaped to find He caught them.”

Same moon, same table, same Christ.  Same people in need of that Gospel – salvation, Kingdom, transformed into ones who reflect His love and grace.  He is the thread through out time and we sing…

Christ, our Passover has been sacrificed for us; therefore let us keep the feast!  Alleluia!  Alleluia!

And again with grateful heart and open hands, I receive Him as bread is pressed into my palm, feeling my spirit shine like the chalice, and am one of many who call Him King.  One of many through centuries, connected by God’s rope thrown for rescue, and my heart overflows, my hands go up, and my life is full.  All because of Him.  Redeemed.

Come… all…

To Him be dominion forever and ever.

(c) Robin Lawrimore, April 8, 2012

(Exodus 12:23, 1 Peter 5:7, 11)

6 thoughts on “Ancient Passovers

  1. Paula Cribb

    I shared the same thoughts with my husband when we were watching the moon come up.The same moon HE was born under,lived under,preached and teached under,prayed under…The SAME moon!! WOW!!! Your blog is so annointed Robin and I thank God for meeting you and having you in my life!! God continue to bless you!


  2. Pam

    To think that we are connected with all of those before us. I have known that intellectually
    but as I was reading this it went into my heart. We are connected with all the
    ancients, all the saints that were before us and it is all because of Jesus.
    I love the way you write, it is truly Holy Spirit anointed.
    Thank you for sharing it.


  3. Shiprah

    This was beautifully written – yes it was a glorious Passover. Its ancient roots are really more ancient than Moses. It actually started with Abraham “the Hebrew” – “the Hebrew” literally means “the one that passed over” – He crossed over from a land of bondage into a land of freedom and promise. The “Hebrews” were created to be a people that continually lived out this reality. It was also the beginning of a story that will flow until the end of time. Which is why it is called an “eternal covenant”. Not only do we look back and celebrate these powerful moves of God, but our anticipation and joy comes from looking forward. There is still a glorious Passover yet to come, and this is what we look forward to. Yeshua said “I will not drink of this cup again until I drink it with you in My Fathers Kingdom.” This next passover begins in Revelations 5 and culminates with the marriage supper of the Lamb. This is truly a celebration of “Passing over” out of a world dominated by Satan and darkness into a Kindgom of light and Righteousness dominated by the Lord Jesus Christ – the Lamb that was slain in order to bring this very victory to his beloved children. This is why Passover holds an ancient reverence, and the thrill of joy and expectation. What a GREAT feast to celebrate with the saints and with our precious bridegroom. Truely a feast of fullness and excitement.


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